requesting blockchecksum for replica files. This was blocking all draining, balancing or conversion jobs.
MGM: Return ENETUNREACH in case no diskservers are available (implies different client behavior)
MGM: allow recursive deletes for the http bridge using XrdOfs::remdir with ?mgm.option=r
“space.scheduler.skip.overloaded=off” - by default we don’t skip anymore overloaded eth-out nodes) “space.min.weight=0.1” - the minimum probability to select an disk or eth-out overloaded node
MGM: Collect response time statistics for the authentication front-ends
MGM: make the recycle bin work with symbolic links
[EOS-1936] - EOS ATLAS lost file due to balancing
This approach fails when we have a master slave failover as we never set up the archive endpoint for the slave. Use the same ZMQ contect for both the archive and authentication services.
open operation fails.
DOC: update documentatino of wfe’s
New documentation of namespace variables:
>>>>>>> beryl_aquamarine V0.3.229 Aquamarine =======================
V0.3.173 Aquamarine
V0.3.172 Aquamarine
V0.3.171 Aquamarine
it is highly recommended to update the MGM, if possible purge all recursive deletes before reboot from the recycling bin
The FUSE implementation in this release is broken in various places. The sync time propagation in this release is broken. Don’t use this version in production on client and server side!