4.7. Protocols & APIs

HTTP access

HTTP access is provided using the XrdHttp plug-in running on the MGM recommended on port 8443 and on FSTs on port 8444. Clients are mapped to ‘nobody’ if the authorization/token are missing.


The XrdHttp configuration is describe under http-configuration!

Configuring an NGINX Proxy



To run the HTTPS proxy you need to have the eos-nginx RPM installed.

yum install eos-nginx

The configuration for the NGINX HTTPS proxy server is /etc/sysconfig/nginx. Each field in the configuration file is well documented.

The most important settings you might want to change are described in the following.


Location of host key and host certificate:

export EOS_NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE=/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
export EOS_NGINX_SSL_KEY=/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

Port of the HTTPS server with X509 certifcate authentication:


Kerberos Authentication

Port of the HTTPS server with Kerberos5 authentication:


Kerberos REALM and keytab file:

export EOS_NGINX_GSS_KEYTAB=/etc/krb5.keytab

The kerberos keytab file must be readable by the daemon account!

Frontend- or Backend- Redirection

NGINX is configured by default to forward redirects to the client. However many WebDAV clients don’t follow redirects. You can enable internal (backend-) redirection proxying the full traffic like this:


Deployment on MGM or Gateway machines

If you want to run a proxy on a different host than the MGM, you have to modify /etc/nginx/nginx.eos.conf.template and replace localhost with the MGM host name.


Make sure to configure appropriate firewall rules for non-MGM HTTPS proxy deployments!

proxy_pass         http://localhost:8443/;

User Mapping

The MGM HTTP module does the user mapping based on the NGINX added authentication header. Kerberos names are trivially mapped from their principal name, X509 users are mapped using the default gridmapfile /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile. By default all HTTP(S) traffic is mapped to nobody. To map users according to their authentication token enable HTTPS mapping in the virtual identity interface:

eosdevsrv1 # eos -b vid enable https

Log Files

If you didn’t modifiy the NGINX configuration file, NGINX will produce two log information files with the access and error log /var/log/nginx/access.log and /var/log/nginx/error.log.

The MGM writes a HTTP related log file under /var/log/eos/mgm/Http.log.

To get more verbose information you can change the log level:

# switch to debug log level on the MGM
eos debug debug

# switch back to info log level on the MGM
eos debug info

SE Linux

Make sure that your proxy host is not blocking outgoing connections for NGINX to the backend MGM/FST servers (port 8000/8001). The same is true for the incoming connections on the HTTPS ports.

Proxy Certificates


NGINX supports proxy certificates ony if they are RFC compliant!

You should create them e.g. with grid-proxy-init using the -rfc flag:

grid-proxy-init -rfc

Third Party Copy TPC

HTTP and XRootD TPC with delegated credentials

There are several ways in which a third-party transfer can be triggerred in an XRootD based system like EOS. Currently EOS supports third-party-copy transfers for both the XRootD and HTTP protocol.

Depending on the authetication/authorization model there are several ways in which a third-party-copy transfer can proceed but they fall in the following broad categories:

XRootD TPC without delegated credentials

EOS enforces authentication and authorization of client on the MGM node and supports the following authentication mechanisms: * KRB5 (Kerberos 5) * GSI certificates * SSS (Simple Shared Secret)

The storage nodes (FSTs) on the other hand, accept unix and SSS authentication, relying on the encrypted opaque information that the MGM provides to the client when redirecting to decide if the transfer is allowed or not.

By default, all outbound connections from the FST daemon to any other endpoint have the SSS authentication mechanism enforced. Due to this, a TPC transfer between EOS instances that don’t share the same SSS key is impossible. On the other hand, TPC transfers within the same instance will always work and this functionality is heavily used internaly for draining, balancing and other maintenance operations. To relax this constraint and allow non-secure connection from the FSTs nodes to other endpoints, the service manager can set the following environment variable to disable SSS enforcement.

# File /etc/sysconfig/eos_env

While this option can easily be enabled in different EOS services managed by the same organization, this becomes impossible when one of the TPC endpoints is not an EOS instance or is managed by a different entity.

The TPC model in XRootD is pull based. Therefore, TPC transfers that have the EOS endpoint as source of the transfer work no matter the configuration setup, while TPC transfers with EOS as the destination will fail without disabling the SSS enforcement. A simple way to trigger a TPC transfer is by using the xrdcp command with the following options:

xrdcp --tpc only root://eos1.cern.ch//path/to/source root://eos1.cern.ch//path/to/destination

XRootD TPC with delegated credentials

In order to enable more complex scenarios and to provide a viable alternative to the GridFTP service, the XRootD client starting with version 4.10.0 supports client credential delegation. Direct transfers with delegated credentials against EOS instances work out of the box without any configuration changes.

On the other hand, for TPC transfers with delegated credentials to be supported by an EOS instance there are several modifications needed. All these changes are need to accomodate the fact that there is no actual authentication of the client on the FST side, therefore there is no credential information to be delegated.

First of all, the EOS service manager will need to deploy a new XRootD Proxy service that will act as a gatway for incoming TPC traffic. As mentioned in the previous section, TPC transfers where EOS is the source work perfectly fine without any configuration changes. The gateway is a vanilla XRootD PSS service with the following reference configuration:

ofs.osslib  libXrdPss.so
ofs.ckslib  * libXrdPss.so
xrootd.chksum  adler32
xrootd.seclib  libXrdSec.so
pss.origin  eos-target-instance.cern.ch:1094
all.export  /eos/
all.adminpath  /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath  /var/run/xrootd
sec.protocol  gsi -dlgpxy:1 -exppxy:=creds -crl:1 -moninfo:1 -cert:/etc/grid-security/daemon/gridftp-cert.pem -key:/etc/grid-security/daemon/gridftp-key.pem -gridmap:/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile -d:1 -gmapopt:2
sec.protbind  * gsi
ofs.tpc  autorm fcreds gsi =X509_USER_PROXY ttl 60 60 xfr 9 pgm /usr/local/bin/xrootd-third-party-copy.sh

The only configuratino option to be modified for new setups is the pss.origin that needs to point to the EOS MGM node. Particular care should be taken when typing the ofs.tpc directive to follow the exact format of the options present in the example above. Support for delegated credentials also requires subtile changes to the sec.protocol directive that are clearly explained in the XRootD documentation and already present in the provided example.

The xrootd-third-party-copy.sh referenced in the configuration makes use of specific environment variables exported by the XRootD PSS service in the context of the TPC process doing the transfer.

/usr/bin/xrdcp --server -d 3 $1 $dst

Once the XRootD gateway is setup, the EOS MGM configuration needs to be updated so that any incoming TPC transfers with delegated credentials where EOS is the destination endpoint are redirected to the gateway node. This is done by adding the following directive to the default EOS MGM configuration file located in /etc/xrd.cf.mgm:

ofs.tpc  redirect delegated eos-gateway-node.cern.ch:1094

In order to trigger a TPC transfer with delegated credentials the user needs to have a valid X509 certificate that the xrdcp command can use during the transfer. The xrdcp command will automatically pick up the user certificate by using the following environment variables:

# Set the path for X509 user "foo"
export X509_USER_CERT=/home/foo/.globus/usercert.pem
export X509_USER_KEY=/home/foo/.globus/userkey.pem

The xrdcp command can also use a user proxy certificate to trigger a TPC transfer with delegated credentials. The easiest way for a user to obtain a proxy certificate is to use the voms-proxy-init tool form the voms-client-cpp package.

subject   : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=foo/CN=007/CN=Foo Bar/CN=220482279
issuer    : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=foo/CN=007/CN=Foo Bar
identity  : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=foo/CN=007/CN=Foo Bar
type      : RFC compliant proxy
strength  : 512 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u1001
timeleft  : 11:53:16

To make sure we enforce GSI authentication and trigger the delegation of credentians we can also set the XrdSecPROTOCOL environment variable together with the following options for the xrdcp command:

XrdSecPROTOCOL=gsi,unix xrdcp --tpc delegate only root://eos1.cern.ch//path/to/source root://other.world.com//path/to/destination

The minimum requirements for this setup to work correctly are the following:

  • XRootD PSS gateway >= 4.11.1
  • EOS instance >= 4.6.8
  • User XRootD client triggering the TPC transfer >= 4.11.1

HTTP(S) support and HTTP TPC with token authentication

EOS supports HTTP access by making use of the XrdHttp plugin which comes by default with XRootD. There are several configuration changes that need to be made both on the MGM side and on the FST side to have this setup working.

Apart from basic HTTP(S) access with client certificates, EOS also supports HTTP(S) with token authentication starting with version 4.6.8. There are several extra packages that need to be installed on the MGM node to enable this feature:

  • xrdhttpvoms package which allows the HTTP module to handle proxy certificates from the clients. This can be found in the EPEL repository.
  • eos-scitokens and eos-scitokens-debuginfo packages to enable support for SciTokens in EOS. These packages can be found in the eos-depend repository. Starting with EOS 5.0.16 there is no need to install the eos-scitokens package as EOS can use the default library provided by the XRootD framework, namely libXrdAccSciTokens.so coming from the xrootd-server package.

The following packages are not mandatory but they provide conveninent tools for testing the token support against the EOS instance:

  • x509-scitokens-issuer and x509-scitokens-issuer-client that provide tools like macaroon-init useful when trying to acquire a macaroons for testing purposes. They can be found here: http://koji.chtc.wisc.edu/kojifiles/packages/

Support for HTTP(S) access in EOS is provided through an HTTP external handler plug-in library which is distributed by default with any EOS version called libEosMgmHttp.so.

Below you can find a reference configuration file that will enable HTTP(S) support and HTTP TPC with both macaroons and scitokens on the MGM. Each line contains a description of the functionality provided.

HTTP Configuration

# Load and enable HTTP(S) access on port 9000 on the current instance
xrd.protocol XrdHttp:9000 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
# Directory containing CA certificates to be used by the server
http.cadir /etc/grid-security/certificates/
# File containing the x509 server certificate
http.cert /etc/grid-security/daemon/hostcert.pem
# File containing the x509 server private key
http.key /etc/grid-security/daemon/hostkey.pem
# Path to the "grid map file" to be used for mapping users to specific identities
http.gridmap /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
# Load security extractor plugin able to deal with proxy certificates and VOMS credentials
http.secxtractor libXrdVoms.so
# Optionally enable tracing on the HTTP plugin
http.trace all
# Load the XrdTpc external handler which deals only with COPY and OPTIONS http
# verbs and provides the default HTTP TPC functionality
http.exthandler xrdtpc /usr/lib64/libXrdHttpTPC.so
# Load the EOS specific HTTP external handler libEosMgmHttp.so and also specify
# the option is HTTP traffic is to be redirected to HTTP(S)
http.exthandler EosMgmHttp /usr/lib64/libEosMgmHttp.so eos::mgm::http::redirect-to-https=0
# The following two external library plugins are used to provide support for
# token based authentication with Macaroons and SciTokens. Presence of the
# second library is optional. When the SciTokens library is present and the
# XrdMacaroons can not deal with the request then this is delegated to the
# SciTokens library.
# Note: Until eos-5.0.15 one needs to use the EOS specific SciTokens library
# mgmofs.macaroonslib /usr/lib64/libXrdMacaroons.so /usr/lib64/libEosAccSciTokens.so
# Starting with eos-5.0.16 one can use the XRootD provided SciTokens library
mgmofs.macaroonslib /usr/lib64/libXrdMacaroons.so /usr/lib64/libXrdAccSciTokens.so
# Base64-encoded secret key used for generating macroons. A simple way to
# generate such a secret key is to use the following command:
# openssl rand -base64 -out /etc/eos.macaroon.secret 64
macaroons.secretkey /etc/eos.macaroon.secret
# Optionally enable tracing for the XrdMacaroons plugin
macaroons.trace all
# Mandatory sitename configuration for the XrdMacaroons library which is also
# embedded in the macaroons attributes
all.sitename eosdev

A simple method of generating a valid /etc/eos.macaroon.secret file is:

openssl rand -base64 -out /etc/eos.macaroon.secret 64

The XrdAccSciTokens library relies on the default XRootD Authorization plugin to be loaded, which in turn checks that the file /opt/xrd/etc/Authfile file exists. Therefore, one needs to ensure the path exists and that the file is owned by daemon:daemon user under which the MGM service runs. The service manager also needs to put in place the basic configuration for SciTokens support that relies on the /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg file. This file contains information about the IAM (Identity and Access Management) provider that the client/MGM service will contact for SciTokens support. A reference scitokens.cfg file is provided below:

audience = https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any

[Issuer OSG-Connect]
issuer = https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/
base_path = /
map_subject = False
default_user = dteam001

An important configuration option is the default_user field which specifies the local username (i.e. known to the MGM) that any token issued by the given IAM is mapped to.

Apart from the MGM, all the FST configurations also need to be updated in order to support HTTP(XrdHttp) and HTTP TPC access.

# Enable the XrdHttp plugin and listen on port 9001 for connections
xrd.protocol XrdHttp:9001 /usr/lib64/libXrdHttp.so
# Load the libEosFstHttp external handler
http.exthandler EosFstHttp /usr/lib64/libEosFstHttp.so none
# Load the XrdTpc external handler which deals with COPY and OPTIONS http
# verbs and provides the default HTTP TPC functionality
http.exthandler xrdtpc /usr/lib64/libXrdHttpTPC-4.so

The port specified int the xrd.protocol directive is specific to the XrdHttp plugin implementation and must be properly configured depending on the environment variable EOS_FST_HTTP_PORT. The XrdHttp target port redirection is advertised from the FST to the MGM and represents the port location where MGM will redirect incoming clients requesting HTTP(S) access to the data.

This can easily be done by adding a systemd custom configuration file for the FST service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/eos@fst.service.d/custom.conf.


After starting the EOS service, one can check for the actual value of the HTTP port advertised by the individual FSTs by executing the following command:

eos fs status 1 | grep http
stat.http.port 9001

In order to have the identity embedded in the tokens (macaroon/scitoken) properly mapped to the local identity used in EOS, one also needs to enable the https vid mapping:

eos vid enable https

Practical examples for HTTP(S) transfers

This section contains several examples of HTTP transfers done against an EOS instance configured with support for certificates, token authorization and with HTTP TPC. To trigger such transfers we’ll make use of the curl command which one of the most feature rich and reliable tools for testing HTTP access and is also used in it’s turn by other client tools that enable HTTP transfers like for example davix.

HTTP transfers with X509 credentials

The assumption here is that the client has a valid certificate and decoded private key available. To trigger a simple upload to EOS one can use the following command:

curl -L -v --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates --cert ~/.globus/usercert.pem --cacert ~/.globus/usercert.pem --key ~/.globus/userkey.pem https://e0.cern.ch:9000//eos/dev/replica/file1.dat --upload-file /etc/passwd

[esindril@esdss000 build_clang_ninja]$ sudo eos fileinfo /eos/dev/replica/file1.dat
File: '/eos/dev/replica/file1.dat'  Flags: 0644
Size: 3314
Modify: Wed Jan 29 14:54:20 2020 Timestamp: 1580306060.468009000
Change: Wed Jan 29 14:54:20 2020 Timestamp: 1580306060.459330223
Birth : Wed Jan 29 14:54:20 2020 Timestamp: 1580306060.459330223
CUid: 58602 CGid: 1028  Fxid: 00015ac5 Fid: 88773    Pid: 11   Pxid: 0000000b
XStype: adler    XS: 74 d7 7c 3a    ETAGs: "23829820735488:74d77c3a"
Layout: replica Stripes: 2 Blocksize: 4k LayoutId: 00100112
#Rep: 2
│no.│fs-id│       host│schedgroup│          path│   boot│configstatus│   drain│active│geotag│
 0       5  e0.cern.ch  default.0 /home/../fst5  booted            rw nodrain  online  elvin
 1       1  e0.cern.ch  default.0 /home/../fst1  booted            rw nodrain  online  elvin

When doing such a transfer the “grid map file” specified in the configuration of the MGM node is used to map the client DN to a known local identity.

HTTP transfers with Macaroon authentication

To trigger a HTTP transfer using a Macaroon token, we first need to acquire a Macaroon from the EOS MGM endpoint using our X509 certificate and then use this macarron to authenticate/authorize the transfer. The macaroon token will embed the username from the X509 certificate (or the mapped identity from the “grid map file)” so that when the token request is issued the client identity on the server side will be mapped to this username.

# Make sure the following environment variables point to the client
# certificate and private key
# Use the macaroon-init tool to request a macaroon
macaroon-init https://esdss000.cern.ch:9000//eos/ 60 DOWNLOAD,UPLOAD
# Export the token as an environment variable for easier use later on
# Use the curl command to trigger the transfer (download) and properly
# populate the header information with the authentication information
curl -v -L -H "Authorization: Bearer $MACAROON" https://esdss000.cern.ch:9000/eos/dev/replica/file1.dat

For debugging purposes or just simple curiosity the client can inspect the contents of the macaroon if they have access to the /etc/eos.macaroon.secret file. This can easily be done by installing the python2-macaroons package from EPEL and launching a python shell as follows:

>>> import macaroons
>>> secret = open("/etc/eos.macaroon.secret", 'r').read()
>>> M = macaroons.deserialize(mtoken)
>>> print M.inspect()
location eosdev
identifier bc8bedfd-072c-4fea-b3bc-042cf73d8bb3
cid name:esindril
cid activity:READ_METADATA
cid path:/eos/
cid before:2020-01-29T15:13:35Z
signature b8d9b5e4d09badbeb628222fc710e54a0af080c64a8c63eb3bb370c454302327

HTTP transfers with SciToken authentication

HTTP transfers with SciTokens work in a similar way to Macaroon tokens. In order to get a SciToken, one needs to be registered with an IAM provider and install the oidc-agent package which provides the client tools to register and request tokens. An RPM package for CentOS7 is already available from the GitHub releases page of the project.

To configure the oidc-agent, you can follow these steps:

# Start the oidc-agent in the background
eval $(oidc-agent)
oidc-gen WLCG-<your_username> -w device
# Put as issuer https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/ and configure the set of
# scopes as "max". Then connect the agent to the IAM provide which will
# prompt you for the password you set up earlier.
oidc-add WLCG-<your_username>
# Request a token from the IAM and save it as an environment variable for
# later use
export SCI_TOKEN=`oidc-token WLCG-<your_username>`
# Trigger a HTTP download using the SciToken information
curl -v -L -H "Authorization: Bearer $SCI_TOKEN" https://esdss000.cern.ch:9000/eos/dev/replica/file1.dat

To inspect the contents of a SciToken, one can use the following commands:

echo $SCI_TOKEN | cut -d. -f2 | base64 --decode | jq .
  "wlcg.ver": "1.0",
  "sub": "faded49c-e1bc-4208-9634-682b2b8d16e5",
  "aud": "https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any",
  "nbf": 1613993622,
  "scope": "address storage.create:/ phone openid offline_access profile storage.read:/ storage.modify:/ email wlcg wlcg.groups",
  "iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "exp": 1613997222,
  "iat": 1613993622,
  "jti": "ea07cad1-f504-4c16-9e22-da5de2876ca7",
  "client_id": "710b4313-5ff7-4992-a59d-d404ea9d4ac5",
  "wlcg.groups": [

HTTP TPC PULL transfers with CURL

The following snippet provides the steps necessary for obtaining the necessary tokens for doing a HTTP TPC PULL transfer.

export SRC=https://esdss000.cern.ch//eos/opstest/esindril/file.dat
export DST=https://esdss000.cern.ch//eos/opstest/esindril/file1.dat
# Get macaroon for source
export TSRC=$(curl --silent --cert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --key /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --cacert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/macaroon-request' -d '{"caveats": ["activity:DOWNLOAD"], "validity": "PT3000M"}' "$SRC" | jq -r '.macaroon')
# Get macaroon for destination
export TDST=$(curl --silent --cert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --key /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --cacert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/macaroon-request' -d '{"caveats": ["activity:UPLOAD,DELETE,LIST"], "validity": "PT3000M"}' "$DST" | jq -r '.macaroon')
curl -v --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -L -X COPY -H 'Secure-Redirection: 1' -H 'X-No-Delegate: 1' -H 'Credentials: none' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TDST" -H "TransferHeaderAuthorization: Bearer $TSRC" -H "TransferHeaderTest: Test" -H "Source: $SRC" "$DST"

The same thing now but for a HTTP TPC PUSH transfer.

export SRC=https://esdss000.cern.ch//eos/opstest/esindril/xfile.dat
export DST=https://esdss000.cern.ch//eos/opstest/esindril/xfile1.dat
# Get macaroon for source
export TSRC=$(curl --silent --cert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --key /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --cacert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/macaroon-request' -d '{"caveats": ["activity:DOWNLOAD"], "validity": "PT3000M"}' "$SRC" | jq -r '.macaroon')
# Get macaroon for destination
export TDST=$(curl --silent --cert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --key /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --cacert /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/macaroon-request' -d '{"caveats": ["activity:UPLOAD,DELETE,LIST"], "validity": "PT3000M"}' "$DST" | jq -r '.macaroon')
curl -v --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -L -X COPY -H 'Secure-Redirection: 1' -H 'X-No-Delegate: 1' -H 'Credentials: none' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TSRC" -H "TransferHeaderAuthorization: Bearer $TDST" -H "Destination: $DST" "$SRC"