.. highlight:: rst .. index:: pair: Storage and Client geo tagging; GEOTAG GeoTags ======= In a geographically distributed storage system it is important to tag each storage server with a geographical location. You should group servers into LAN groups e.g. all servers which are close in term of network latency shared a GeoTag. GeoTags are just arbitrary strings (for the time being). Each FST defines in ``/etc/sysconfig/eos`` a GeoTag: Storage Node Tagging -------------------- .. code-block:: bash # The EOS host geo location tag used to sort hosts into geographical (rack) locations export EOS_GEOTAG="CERN::513::1" .. warning:: Each portion of the GeoTag string must be delimited by "::" and have a maximun length of 8 characters Client Tagging -------------- To optimise the network path it is not enough to tag only the storage server. EOS allows you to define IP prefixes to match a client to a certain location. This is done via the **vid** command: .. code-block:: console eos vid -h ... vid set geotag <IP-prefix> <geotag> : add to all IP's matching the prefix <prefix> the geo location tag <geotag> N.B. specify the default assumption via 'vid set geotag default <default-tag>' As an example we could define the default location to be CERN: .. code-block:: bash eos vid set geotag default CERN While we want to assign all clients with 111.222.x.x. to CANADA: .. code-block:: bash eos vid set 111.122. CANADA